Altar & Flower Guild

The Altar & Flower Guild is a group of volunteers who prepare the church for each service and clean up afterward.

The Altar & Flower Guild meets every Saturday at 9:30 am to prepare the church for our Sunday worship. The Saturday workdays usually include the following tasks:

  • washing and refilling holy water fonts; replacing candles on the altar and in the votives
  • changing the decorative hangings on the altar, pulpit and lectern to match the color of the day or season
  • replacing visitor cards and offering envelopes in the pews
  • arranging the altar flowers; posting the numbers on the hymn boards; setting the altar for communion

Then on Sunday, after each Holy Communion, we carefully wash the vessels and reset the altar for the next service, or reverently store away the items for the next week. We also wash and iron all the linens used on the altar and at the communion.

There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. The Guild’s ministry is one of hospitality, love and devotion. The guest of honor is always Christ Jesus Himself. Therefore, Guild members take special care when they set His Table. They strive to ensure that, just as the Savior died for all, all feel welcomed into His house.

If you would like to join the Guild, come and help on any Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the church. If you cannot assist on Saturday, there are other opportunities for service. If you have any questions please email the Church Office with attention to the Altar & Flower Guild Director.

Contact Us

534 W. 10th St.
Dallas, Texas 75208
Telephone: 214-941-0339

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